Our subsidiary Air Industrie Thermique (AIT) was commissioned by ENGIE Solutions to bring the flue gas treatment of its district heating plant in the city of Reims (France) into compliance.
For our client Soccram, a local subsidiary of ENGIE Solutions and operator of the Grand Reims heat network, Air Industrie Thermique will operate on the Val de Murigny (Reims) boiler room. This project is part of our client’s energy transition process. The aim is to reduce its CO2 emissions by replacing the use of fossil fuels with the use of renewable energy (wood waste) for heat production. This position in favor of the environment, is reflected in the replacement of their coal-fired boilerby a biomass boiler of 22 MW. From this change, a need was born : to connect the new Biomass Boiler to the existing Fume Treatment facility. Our teams of experts have therefore decided to take up this challenge !
Expertise of the AIT-STEIN group: compliance of the Fume Treatment.
Our mission is to adapt the existing fume treatment to the characteristics of the new Boiler and the regulations applicable to non-hazardous waste co-incineration plants. Our solution, which aims to reduce the impact on the environment, is based on the treatment of dust, acid gases, nitrogen oxides, heavy metals and dioxins/furans.
Thus, we will be involved in the design, manufacture and delivery of the adaptation of Flue gas treatment following the installation of the new Biomass boiler. Upstream of the design, a 3D scan of the existing process was carried out to precisely adapt the new installation into the existing space. Some elements will be retained and others will not, the regulations and the control system will be taken over and adapted.
Emission control and resource optimization: installation of a new DeNOx SCR system.
The control of gas emissions is one of the major challenges of our client, the AIT-STEIN group supports its customers in their transition thanks to turnkey solutions. To recover the fumes emitted by the Biomass Boiler, we will install a sheath from the Boiler to theFlue Gas Treatment Facility. The bicarbonate system will be modified, because we will proceed to the neutralization of the acids by injection of reagent (sodium bicarbonate). A new activated carbon injection system for the treatment of heavy metals, dioxins and furanessera designed by our teams for the site (silo, dosing and injection systems).
The purification of the fumes that come out of the boiler at 210 ° C will be carried out via a bag filter whose structure will be preserved, but whose sleeves will be replaced. This equipment, which will filter 99.6% of the dust, has therefore been redesigned by our entity to take into account the new service conditions. The residues will then be disposed of to an existingstorage silo that will be retained.
The current urea storage that was used for sncr deNOx from the old coal boiler will be converted to store an ammonia solution. This reagent will be used for the new SCR deNOx (Selective Catalytic Reduction) that we will implement. We will also design and manufacture an economizer that will intervene in the recovery of energy in the fumes via the heat produced and thus optimize the overall efficiency of the installation. With this solution, the AIT-STEIN Group supports its leading position in the energy recovery of its customers.
The fumes thus treated and cooled will be sucked in by the existing fan which will be adapted to the new conditions. They will then be rejected by the 72.5 m high chimney that is preserved.
Like this project, which has been entrusted to us by ENGIE Solutions, we are helping our customers to build a more low-carbon and environmentally friendly economy. The installation will start in February 2022 with a planned start-up in July/August 2022.